Time & Location
Apr 26, 2020, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PDT
Zoom Class
About the event
FREE, adaptive salsa class taught by AXIS Dance Company dancer Janpi Star! This class is family and beginner friendly. We welcome all abilities, ages and experiences.
Everyone is welcome in our classes, whether you have a disability or not, we want to make dance a fun experience for everyone!
The class is free, but we have a suggested donation of $5-15. Consider donating here: https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/dance-for-all-bodies
All you need to do is:
- find a space to dance in your home. We will definitely be moving so try to steer clear of furniture, if possible.
- set up a computer. if you have a portable speaker, connect it to your computer so that you can hear the music better!
- click this link: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/8890253446?pwd=YnhaMkhjSXJOVzR3VmtFZDRMUmZ6UT09
Enter Password: 529620 Meeting ID: 889 025 3446
(make a Zoom account if you have never used Zoom before)
Don't log on before April 26th at 12pm because no one will be there.
- and voila! you will be on a zoom call with salsa dancers from all over!
- have fun and take a break from your worries!
If you have capacity, donations for this class can be made on our website via Paypal (https://www.danceforallbodies.org/get-involved-1) or to our crowdfunding page: https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/dance-for-all-bodies
Let's get dancing!